How to install NetExtender, connect to the Insight VPN and open an RDP Session
Installing Net Extender
1. If at any point during this process you see a Warning Message page that says “Your Connection is Not Private” you need to follow the prompts to proceed. The steps will be similar but slightly different depending on your browser.
In Google Chrome you will:
Click on Advanced
Click on Proceed
2. Open a browser(IE, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc) and go to the following url:
3. You will be asked to login to the page with Insight username and password:
Username = ABCD234 (Your insight Username alone not your email address there will be no at the end of the username).
Password = Insight Password
4. Once logged in you will be taken to another page where you can download NetExtender. Click “Download” to download the NetExtender.
Alternative Download Process: (Use the link below if the Download steps above did not work. You can also contact IT if you need help).
5. Run the program to begin the installation. Leave all the options as default and click next until the program is installed. Check the option “Run Netxtender” to open it after it finishes the install.
Connect to the Insight VPN
Launching and running NetExtender:
NetExtender will be blank if this is the first time that the program is running on this computer.
Alternatively, if you already had Netextender installed on your computer and you need to add the Insight VPN settings
Enter the settings as described below
Server = (Make sure you enter a semicolon before the last 4 digits)
Username = ABCD234 (Your insight Username alone not your email address there will be no at the end of the username).
Password = Insight Password
Domain =
Click Connect
NetExtender may check for software updates. This is normal DO NOT exit out of the program while it is establishing a connection.
Once connected you will see the following screen. This means you are connected to the VPN.
Launching and Running a Remote Desktop Session
This is the process of connecting to a specific computer within the Insight Chicago environment.
Do a Windows Search for Remote Desktop Connection
Click on the Search Icon
Type in Remote Desktop Connection and press enter
Launch the Remote Desktop Connection App by clicking on the search result
To Connect to a specific PC via the Remote Desktop Connection App
Type in the name of the PC you need to connect to in the Computer Line.
Format =
Click on Connect
4. If you get a Security Prompt Click on Always Trust.
5. Enter your PCs Credentials to Approve the Application
6. Finalize the Connection by verifying the Computer you are connecting to.
Click the Check Box on Don’t ask me again.
Click Yes
7. You will now have a Window that is accessing your Insight Chicago PC Launched on your remote Computer.
Test your access to all programs you need to access remotely to verify everything is working properly.
FAQ and Troubleshooting
I’m receiving an error message that states “Incorrect username and password” .
Check your password and username. The password and username are the same as your Insight email address.
VPN connection dropped during the middle of the day. What happened? Start by checking connectivity on your laptop. Are you able to access sites that aren’t part of the hospital? Examples are youtube, wikipedia, amazon. Google is a bad example, due to it being frequently used and more than likely cached on your computer. If you have connectivity to any of the above mentioned sites then reconnect to the VPN client following the same steps documented above. If connectivity issues persist then contact the helpdesk for assistance.
If it shows the Wrong Windows account when asking you to logon to approve the Download
Click OK Under Use a different account
If you receive a Message during the RDP connection that says your Credentials did not work.
Click on More Choices Select your Insight Chicago account if is shown
Click Use Different Account